אתר הפורומים המשפטיים יש לך שאלה משפטית? קבל תשובה מעורך דין

אודות אתר הפורומים המשפטיים

המענה המשפטי המקיף והמקצועי בישראל

קצת עלינו

The legal forums site was established by me  Adv. Eddie Sobri in 2006 and has since established its status as the legal website that provides surfers with the most comprehensive and professional online response in Israel.

About 10 thousand surfers visit the legal forums website every day; Dozens of first-rate lawyers have already provided professional answers to over 300,000 questions, from all branches of law.
All the lawyers who manage the forums and the various activists on the site do their work voluntarily. The assistance provided in the various forums is not a substitute for legal advice and is given to surfers free of charge, or in return - as a contribution to the community.

The site also has vibrant community forums used by lawyers: Lawyers Forum, Interns Forum, Bar Exams Forum and others, thanks to which the Legal Forums site has become the central and largest meeting place on the net for members of Israel's legal community.

You can also find hundreds of legal articles on the site, a legal job board, which is a free platform for searching and hiring employees for the legal community, as well as a comprehensive and advanced lawyer index.
We strive at all times to improve the quality and professional level we provide to lawyers and to increase the effectiveness of the site and its contribution to surfers.

We are always at your service and will be happy to receive any feedback, ideas for commercial collaborations and optimization suggestions.

pleasant and useful browsing,

עו"ד אדי סוברי
מנכ"ל אתר הפורומים המשפטיים

ליעוץ אישי עם עו"ד
הודעות אחרונות
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כניסה לפורומים המשפטיים
© כל הזכויות שמורות לעו"ד אדי סוברי, אתר הפורומים המשפטיים.