אתר הפורומים המשפטיים יש לך שאלה משפטית? קבל תשובה מעורך דין

סידור הטקס מהשאלה הקודמת...

  • הגשת פרוביז'יונל במהלך שנת החסד
    רועי | 01/04/2009 03:46

    Here is my question: Let us assume the following scenario:Jan 1, 2009   I publish my inventionMar 1, 2009   I reach a decision that I would like to have my invention patented, even though it's been published already, knowing I can do this in the US, but not in the rest of the world. So I file a provisional application on that date.My questions:Could I really file a provisional during the one year following publication (that is, on Mar 1, 2009)? Am I not obliged to file a nonprovisional if the invention was already disclosed?More importantly -- assuming the answer to (1) is "yes" -- will my provisional expire on Feb 28, 2010 (one year following its filing) or on Dec 31, 2009 (when the Grace year ends)?I would appreciate the answers very much.Thank you for taking the time to read my email.

    האמור לעיל לא בא במקום ייעוץ משפטי ולא מהווה לו תחליף. ההסתמכות על המידע באחריות המשתמש בלבד!
    מסך מלא השב

    • סידור הטקס מהשאלה הקודמת...
      רועי | 01/04/2009 03:52

      Here is my question: Let us assume the following scenario:1)Jan 1, 2009   I publish my invention2)Mar 1, 2009   I reached a decision that I would like to have my invention patented, even though it's been published already, knowing I can do this in the US, but not in the rest of the world. So I file a provisional application on that date.My questions:1)Could I really file a provisional during the one year following publication (that is, on Mar 1, 2009)? Am I not obliged to file a nonprovisional if the invention was already disclosed?2)More importantly -- assuming the answer to (1) is "yes" -- will my provisional expire on Feb 28, 2010 (one year following its filing) or on Dec 31, 2009 (when the Grace year ends)?I would appreciate the answers very much.

      האמור לעיל לא בא במקום ייעוץ משפטי ולא מהווה לו תחליף. ההסתמכות על המידע באחריות המשתמש בלבד!
      מסך מלא השב

    • Well - please let me try to help you
      Simon | 17/04/2009 00:08

      The provisional stage will not be judged by PTO until and only if within the grace period you will file a real patent with well editted documents as the law requires. Then and only then your provisional be reviewed to approve the grace period. If you will not file a patent within the grace period, your provisional file will be lost and no one will see it. I hope I helped :-)

      האמור לעיל לא בא במקום ייעוץ משפטי ולא מהווה לו תחליף. ההסתמכות על המידע באחריות המשתמש בלבד!
      מסך מלא השב

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